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    Dr.Paddo - Wednesday 11 August 2024

    What are the 5 most powerful psychedelics in the world?

    Would you like to know what the 5 most powerful psychedelics on earth actually are? Psychedelics are fascinating and can sometimes be incredibly powerful. There are natural mind-altering substances, but also man-made ones. In this blog, we will delve deeper into 5 of these powerful substances and what effects you can expect.


    5 most powerful psychedelics

    When you use mind-altering substances, the effects are always subjective. Even if you take the same dose as your friend, you will both have different experiences. This also applies to the intensity or "power" of a substance.


    Psychedelics cause hallucinaties. They distort reality, and that can sometimes be very intense. Below, we list 5 substances that most people will agree have the strongest effects (the order is random).



    Mescaline is a mind-altering substance that occurs in some cacti. Examples of mescaline cacti are Peyote and San Pedro. The effects of mescaline are often compared to those of psilocybin, but many users find that mescaline has a bit more of a kick. In any case, the substance causes hallucinations that can be visual and auditory. What often occurs with mescaline is a strong feeling of detachment, where body and mind are no longer felt as one. But this is usually not disturbing.


    Mescaline, like many other psychedelics, can lead to a feeling of introspection and philosophical reflection. But these do not go very deep and thoughts come quickly, but also pass quickly. Your mood is usually not heavy. Just like with psilocybin, you can also experience ego death with mescaline.



    MDMA is not strictly seen as a psychedelic, but also as a stimulant that is often used in the party scene. But MDMA also has powerful mind-altering properties. In addition, it evokes feelings of empathy and improves mood. What exactly are the effects?


    It strengthens positive feelings, you feel euphoric and happy. It also enhances your senses, you can become more sensitive to light and sound. But on top of that, it gives you energy, which is also the reason why people like to use this substance at a party. But make no mistake, MDMA is one of the most powerful psychedelics in the world.


    In higher doses, it can cause intense hallucinations, which are even stronger than with other psychedelics. The images are often confusing, which makes you more likely to become anxious. The effects of MDMA can cause strange mental twists, which can make the effects resemble those of a psychosis. Add to that the physical effects, such as an increased heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature, and you can imagine that it induces a very intense trip.


    There is another difference with other psychedelics: the comedown. When the effects wear off, you can suffer from physical exhaustion and depressive feelings. This is usually not the case with other psychedelics.


    LSD is also one of the most powerful psychedelics that have a place on this list. LSD is also called acid. The drug is so powerful that you only need micrograms of it. LSD is unfortunately one of the most misunderstood substances. It can cause a bad trip and the effects can last a long time. So that is definitely something to take into account.


    A difference with other substances is that some psychedelics promote introspection, where you can observe your thoughts. If you use LSD, you get caught up in your thoughts more easily. LSD can also cause powerful hallucinations. You often still recognize the world, but your perception has completely changed. Your thought patterns also change and philosophical, deep and interesting thoughts can arise.


    There are two types of DMT: N, N Dimethyltryptamine and 5-MeO-DMT. The first version is the substance found in ayahuasca and can also be smoked or vaped in powder form. The second is similar in structure to this substance, but there are some differences. This 5-MEO DMT is found in the venom of a certain toad. It is used during some shamanistic rituals and is found in Yopo. Both forms of DMT have a very powerful effect.


    N, N-Dimethyltryptamine induces intense hallucinations, even in lower doses. These are visual, and can be seen with both eyes open and closed. In higher doses, you can even make contact with mystical beings, aliens or angels and get the feeling that you are entering other dimensions.


    5-MeO-DMT produces completely different experiences. People often experience a shift in perspective that is described as a kind of near-death experience. 5-MeO-DMT is much less easy to obtain and therefore not much is known about this drug.


    Salvia divinorum

    Salvia divinorum is a type of sage, but this is certainly not comparable to the regular sage that you use in the kitchen. It is also called Sage of the Seers. Salvia divinorum is certainly one of the most powerful psychedelics on earth. A single leaf can produce strong effects, but especially the extracts, which can be used for a hundred moretimes as strong, are incredibly strong. Although sage is legal, this does not mean that it is not a powerful hallucinogen.


    Most people smoke the leaves in a pipe. You will then experience short, but very intense hallucinations. They come on after a few seconds and last about 5 to 10 minutes. The effects are not always pleasant. There may be a feeling of derealization and loss of identity, you can have an out of body experience, or the feeling that you are in several places at once. Your sense of time can distort and your body can feel like it is being pulled apart. Instead of euphoria, you can experience dysphoria, a somewhat heavy and uncomfortable feeling.


    The power of psychedelics

    The above psychedelics cause very powerful effects. They are therefore substances that you should be very careful with, even if you are already used to them. If you have never used psychedelics before, it is advisable to start with something that is safer and produces less intense hallucinations. Magic mushrooms, for example, are psychedelics that are safe for beginners and you can choose a type that has mild effects, such as the Mexican. And remember: powerful doesn't automatically mean the best or most enjoyable trip. Just find the type of psychedelic that works for you.

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