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    Dr. Paddo - Wednesday 12 May 2022

    Can Guarana Help With Weight Loss?

    If you, like many people, want to lose some weight, you may be looking for resources and methods that can help. Losing weight is not always easy. But luckily there are resources, from Mother Nature, that can give you a helping hand. Guarana is one of them. Guarana contains caffeine and can therefore speed up the metabolism and suppress hunger. If you want to make losing weight just that little bit easier, then guarana is the remedy for you.


    The characteristics of guarana

    Guarana is best known as an ingredient  energy drinks and pills. But guarana may also help with weight loss. The creeper grows mainly in tropical areas in Brazil and Venezuela. It has large leaves and produces striking fruits. When you see this one, you are probably thinking of an eye. These fruits contain the seed, which resembles a nut. It contains all kinds of substances that can bring many health benefits.


    Guarana, for example, contains several antioxidants, such as saponins, theobromine, tannins and catechins. These substances can help protect our bodies against the effects of aging and the damaging influence of free radicals. The seeds are also rich in minerals, such as magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. They also contain vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids. So it's no wonder that guarana is becoming increasingly well-known as a health booster!


    Guarana has also always been known to the indigenous Amazonian population. They use the seeds as a natural source of energy, but also use it in case of illness, such as diarrhea, headache and fever. But what makes guarana so suitable as a weight loss remedy? That's because the seeds are also rich in caffeine, they contain 4.2% caffeine. And that's a lot, because the average caffeine content in coffee beans is around 1 to 2%. And that has consequences for digestion and your energy management.

    The differences in effects between guarana and caffeine

    The active ingredient in guarana is caffeine. It is often claimed that the seeds contain guaranine, but research shows that this substance is just caffeine. However, due to the composition of the seeds, the effect of guarana differs from coffee. It looks like this is the enhancing effects of the caffeine. Furthermore, the caffeine is absorbed more slowly by the body, so that you feel a boost in your energy for a longer period of time. In addition, the caffeine content in guarana is also much higher, so you get more energy from this remedy than from a cup of coffee.


    An additional advantage is that guarana is not as addictive as coffee. Also, it doesn't cause the jittery and agitated feeling that coffee can give you. If you have trouble starting your day without coffee, guarana can be a good, or perhaps better, alternative. You get a more sustainable boost in your energy.


    The possibilities of guarana for weight loss

    In addition to boosting energy, you can also use guarana to speed up weight loss. This is due to three properties. Firstly, guarana stimulates the metabolism, which speeds up your fat burning. So, even if you do nothing, you still burn more calories. Caffeine can cause to speed up the metabolism on average by 3 to 11% during 12 hours after consumption.


    In addition, guarana has an inhibitory effect on feelings of hunger. It contains certain alkaloids and fats, which ensure that you are less hungry. As a result, you will have less need for food in a day. That is of course an advantage if you want to lose weight. The final benefit of guarana in weight loss is that scientists  have found that guarana may suppress the genes responsible are for the production of fat cells. And they promote the genes that actually slow that down. However, this is still unclear and more research is needed.


    From research shows that guarana makes a difference in weight loss and may encourage weight loss. It also turned out that it can not only help with weight loss, but also in maintaining the desired weight.


    How do you use guarana?

    If you want to start using guarana for weight loss, that can be just the help you need to lose those annoying pounds. Guarana is available in capsules and as powder. The recommended amount is a maximum of 2 grams of powder (one teaspoon) per day. You can add it to a shake or fruit juice. If you use capsules, 1 capsule per day is sufficient. Guarana does not have many side effects. However, it can cause insomnia (so don't take it right before going to sleep). Since it suppresses not only the hunger stimulus, but also that of thirst, dehydration would also be a potential danger. So pay attention to this when you use guarana.

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